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Aaron Allen
Aaron Allen

Ship Stability For Masters And Mates 7th Edition Pdf

The chapters in the Code each set out goals and functional requirements, to include those covering ship structure; stability and subdivision; watertight and weathertight integrity; machinery installations; operational safety; fire safety/protection; life-saving appliances and arrangements; safety of navigation; communications; voyage planning; manning and training; prevention of oil pollution; prevention of pollution form from noxious liquid substances from ships; prevention of pollution by sewage from ships; and prevention of pollution by discharge of garbage from ships.

Ship Stability For Masters And Mates 7th Edition Pdf


Chapter 12 of the Polar Code on manning and training says that companies must ensure that masters, chief mates and officers in charge of a navigational watch on board ships operating in polar waters have completed appropriate training, taking into account the provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) and its related STCW Code.

6 vi Contents 28 Drydocking and grounding Second moments of areas Liquid pressure and thrust. Centres of pressure Ship squat Heel due to turning Unresisted rolling in still water List due to bilging side compartments The Deadweight Scale Interaction Effect of change of density on draft and trim List with zero metacentric height The Trim and Stability book Bending of beams Bending of ships Strength curves for ships Bending and shear stresses Simpli ed stability information 372 Appendix I Standard abbreviations and symbols 378 Appendix II Summary of stability formulae 380 Appendix III Conversion tables 387 Appendix IV Extracts from the M.S. (Load Lines) Rules, Appendix V Department of Transport Syllabuses (Revised April 1995) 395 Appendix VI Specimen examination papers 401 Appendix VII Revision one-liners 429 Appendix VIII How to pass exams in Maritime Studies 432 Appendix IX Draft Surveys 434 Answers to exercises 437 Index 443

7 Preface This book was written primarily to meet the needs of the UK students when studying, either in their spare time at sea or ashore, for Department of Transport Certi cates of Competency for Deck Of cers and Engineering Of cers. It will, however, also prove extremely useful to Maritime Studies degree students when studying the subject and will prove a ready and handy reference for those persons responsible for the stability of ships. I trust that this book, which is printed to include up-to-date syllabuses and specimen examination papers, will offer assistance to all of these persons. Acknowledgement is made to the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Of ce for permission to reproduce Crown copyright material, being the Ministry of Transport Notice No. M375, Carriage of Stability Information, Forms M.V. `Exna' (1) and (2), Merchant Shipping Notice No. M1122, Simpli ed Stability Information, Maximum Permissible Deadweight Diagram, and extracts from the Department of Transport Examination Syllabuses. Specimen examination papers given in Appendix VIare reproduced by kind permission of the Scottish Quali cations Authority (SQA), based in Glasgow. Note: Throughout this book, when dealing with Transverse Stability, BM, GM and KM will be used. When dealing with Longitudinal Stability, i.e. Trim, then BM L, GM L and KM L will be used to denote the longitudinal considerations. Hence no suf x `T' for Transverse Stability, but suf x `L' for the Longitudinal Stability text and diagrams. C. B. Barrass

9 Introduction Captain D. R. Derrett wrote the standard text book, Ship Stability for Masters and Mates. In this 1999 edition, I have revised several areas of his book and introduced new areas/topics in keeping with developments over the last nine years within the shipping industry. This book has been produced for several reasons. The main aims are as follows: 1. To provide knowledge at a basic level for those whose responsibilities include the loading and safe operation of ships. 2. To give maritime students and Marine Of cers an awareness of problems when dealing with stability and strength and to suggest methods for solving these problems if they meet them in the day-to-day operation of ships. 3. To act as a good, quick reference source for those of cers who obtained their Certi cates of Competency a few months/years prior to joining their ship, port authority or drydock. 4. To help Masters, Mates and Engineering Of cers prepare for their SQA/MSA exams. 5. To help students of naval architecture/ship technology in their studies on ONC, HNC, HND and initial years on undergraduate degree courses. 6. When thinking of maritime accidents that have occurred in the last few years as reported in the press and on television, it is perhaps wise to pause and remember the proverb `Prevention is better than cure'. If this book helps in preventing accidents in the future then the efforts of Captain Derrett and myself will have been worthwhile. Finally, I thought it would be useful to have a table of ship types (see next page) showing typical deadweights, lengths, breadths, C b values and designed service speeds. It gives an awareness of just how big these ships are, the largest moving structures made by man. It only remains for me to wish you, the student, every success with your Maritime studies and best wishes in your chosen career. Thank you. C. B. Barrass

13 Chapter 1 Forces and moments The solution of many of the problems concerned with ship stability involves an understanding of the resolution of forces and moments. For this reason a brief examination of the basic principles will be advisable. Forces A force can be de ned as any push or pull exerted on a body. The S.I. unit of force is the Newton, one Newton being the force required to produce in a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one metre per second per second. When considering a force the following points regarding the force must be known: (a) The magnitude of the force, (b) The direction in which the force is applied, and (c) The point at which the force is applied. The resultant force. When two or more forces are acting at a point, their combined effect can be represented by one force which will have the same effect as the component forces. Such a force is referred to as the `resultant force', and the process of nding it is called the `resolution of the component forces'. The resolution of forces. When resolving forces it will be appreciated that a force acting towards a point will have the same effect as an equal force acting away from the point, so long as both forces act in the same direction and in the same straight line. Thus a force of 10 Newtons (N) pushing to the right on a certain point can be substituted for a force of 10 Newtons (N) pulling to the right from the same point. (a) Resolving two forces which act in the same straight line If both forces act in the same straight line and in the same direction the resultant is their sum, but if the forces act in opposite directions the resultant is the difference of the two forces and acts in the direction of the larger of the two forces.

CH-01.qxd 4604 11:22 AM Page 1 Part 1 Ship Design CH-01.qxd 4604 11:22 AM Page 2 CH-01.qxd 4604 11:22 AM Page 3 Chapter 1 Preliminary estimates for new ships: Main Dimensions It has been said that


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